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VIN Decoder - How To Decode VIN Numbers On 1981 And Newer Vehicles

September 13, 2023  -  Hoods, Scoops, And Body

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Vin Decoder - Free Vin Number Lookup Tool

The VIN for your vehicle, or Vehicle Identification Number, uniquely identifies your vehicle. No two vehicles will have the same VIN, so it belongs to your vehicle alone. Understanding the digits of a VIN and how to decode one will help you understand specific information about your vehicle. For example, the VIN will help you learn about the vehicle's make, model, engine size, production year, and much more.

Read on to learn more about VINs and how to decode them.

What Does Each Digit Represent in a VIN Number? 

Your vehicle's VIN contains 17 digits. While it's referred to as a number, it's a combination of letters and numbers. Typically, each digit is a capital letter or number.

VINs are also split into sections to help you decode them. The first three digits are the WMI, or World Manufacturer Identifier, for example, which represents the country where the vehicle was built and the manufacturer who built it. The second group of digits is the Vehicle Description Section, which includes some details about the vehicle's body style, engine type, and chassis type. Lastly, the final section is known as the Vehicle Identifier Section. You'll find the plant that made the vehicle, the year it was produced, and its serial number here.

Overall, each digit in your vehicle's VIN is important and together they tell the full story of your vehicle. Decoding a VIN can reveal a lot of details about your vehicle's history, so next it's important to focus on everything you can learn.

What Vehicle Information Can You Learn from a VIN Number? 

VINs will show you a lot of information about a vehicle. Once you have that number you can learn about the manufacturer, vehicle, and even the year it was made. Learn about the types of information found in a VIN below.

WMI (World Manufacturer Identifier)

The WMI is the first part of your vehicle's VIN. Three digits make up the WMI and they include the first three digits, so one through three.

Each digit means the following:

  • The first number represents the country the vehicle was made. Each country is associated with a unique number. The United States can be 1, 4, or 5, Canada is 2 and some countries have letters (Japan is J).
  • Digit number two focuses on the region of the country where the car was built and the manufacturer of the vehicle. This can be matched easily if you know the manufacturer. For example, "G" stands for General Motors, and "B" stands for BMW.
  • The third digit refers to the vehicle's manufacturing division or the type of vehicle.

When you want to learn about where your vehicle came from, VIN decoding the first three digits will show you everything you need to know.

Vehicle Description (VDS)

The vehicle description part of a VIN includes digits four through nine. This section is known as the VDS because it describes a handful of details about your vehicle.

Learn more about each of the digits below:

  • Digit four refers to the vehicle series.
  • The fifth and sixth digits refer to the vehicle's body style and chassis type.
  • Digit number eight refers to the engine type.
  • The ninth digit is used to check for fraudulent VINs, so it's a security measure. It's based on a mathematical formula that was created by the DMV.

When you want to decode your VIN to learn specific details about a vehicle, this portion of digits is the best place to start.

Vehicle Identifier (VIS) 

The vehicle identifier section is one of the largest sections included in a VIN. This section gives you even more specific information about a vehicle down to the year, engine type, and manufacturing plant. 

It's important to note that some digits may not be available in older vehicles. For example, vehicles manufactured before 1981 won't have a tenth digit that refers to the specific manufacturing year of a vehicle. 

Learn about the last group of VIN digits below.

  • The tenth digit is the year that a vehicle was built. It will be a letter or a number and all of the digits for that year will be the same across vehicles. These are grouped into years that match each vehicle. For example, letters B to Y represent vehicles manufactured from 1981 to 2000. In later years, numbers like 1-9 were used for years 2001 to 2009.
  • Digit eleven identifies the manufacturing plant in which the vehicle was made.
  • The last digits in the VIN (12-17) are your vehicle's unique serial number.

To understand these final digits, it's best to use a VIN decoder.

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Vehicle VIN Decoder FAQ

Have questions about decoding a VIN? Find answers below.

What is a VIN Decoder?

VIN decoders are tools that allow you to enter a VIN and have it decoded for you. This is usually done by a website and you'll have to enter the full 17-digit number. However, some tools can also help you decode VINs for motorcycles and vehicles made before 1981. Also, you can decode a VIN by knowing what each digit means and comparing them to a chart about your specific vehicle.

How to Find Your Vehicle's VIN Number 

Locating your vehicle's VIN is easy but you have to know where to look. The best place to find it without scrambling to locate the sticker in your vehicle is on your insurance card. You can also find the VIN on your registration information. If you don't have access to this information you can check some locations in your vehicle.

The first place to check is under the hood. Some vehicles have the VIN stamped on the engine block. You can also check the driver's side door. You'll see the VIN when you open the door and look at the panel next to the seat or the door jamb.

Another place to check is on the dashboard. You can see it best through the windshield from the outside of your vehicle on the driver side.

What if My VIN is Less than 17 Digits?

Some VINs may be less than 17 digits. If this is the case, there's a good chance that your VIN was created before 1981. You'll need to use a VIN decoder to learn about the different numbers and what they mean.

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